On Tuesday 4 March, South Molton’s Assembly Rooms were the venue for the first of Exmoor Tourist Association’s two 2014 Leaflet Exchange events. This brought together local businesses associated with the holiday industry with accommodation providers, encouraged the sharing of literature and a provided a venue for people to meet face to face and discuss various aspects of their businesses.

Jane Lillis, from the Moorland Mousie Trust at The Exmoor Pony Centre, Dulverton was one of the 27 businesses which took a stand. Jane said: “We have made some brilliant contacts today and will definitely be attending the Minehead event as well.”

Lady Angela Stucley of Hartland Abbey, one the most historically important ancestral homes in North Devon agreed, adding: This was a very good event for us and great fun too!”

Sharon Webber of South Molton Tourist Information was very pleased with the contacts made and the wide variety of businesses all brought together in one place. She says “I do hope that they hold the event in South Molton again next year, South Molton TIC will be sure to be there if they do”.

Sharon Routley, Secretary to The Exmoor Tourist Association organised the event. She said:“While the event held at the Minehead Eye is established in the tourism calendar, this was the first time a Leaflet Exchange had occurred in South Molton. We realise that we have to work to build a similar   recognition and loyalty here. But the town is convenient for businesses based on this side of Greater Exmoor to access, while historically places such as Withypool, Dulverton and Simonsbath naturally look to South Molton, rather than Minehead. Overall we didn’t have the numbers of  accommodation providers we had hoped for, although the businesses which took stands seemed happy with the event and their feedback was predominately that there had certainly been a high quality of contacts, if not high quantity.” She concluded:“If you are involved in any aspect of the holiday trade, do invest some time and come along to Minehead on Tuesday 18 March, between 11.00 – 2.30. We would love to meet you as you prepare for the 2014 season!”

Application forms for the Leaflet Exchanges can be downloaded from (see the ‘Advertise With Us’ page) or get a hard  copy from Sharon Routley. Email:, or ring her on 01398 341112. To join the Exmoor Tourist Association, or to discuss any aspect of membership, also contact Sharon.


admin March 7, 2014 Accommodation, Latest News