Much Anticipated Title – Hope Bourne’s Exmoor Village

The title that all Hope Bourne fans have been waiting for is finally here;

Having so carefully set down the history and living rhythms of the village, Hope’s manuscript was carefully filed away and lost to view for nearly half a century.Then in 2014 Dr Helen Blackman, archivist to the Exmoor Society, rediscovered the text at the Society’s headquarters, in a nondescript box labelled simply “Village Surveys”. It quickly became apparent that Hope Bourne’s love song to her home village was a significant work that fully deserved to see the light of day. Dr Blackman has subsequently prepared the manuscript for publication and chosen a selection of Hope’s hitherto unseen evocative line drawings to complement the luminous text. Hope Bourne’s Exmoor Village will be a “must have” for Hope Bourne’s many admirers, and for all lovers of Exmoor, its people and places.

 Hope Bourne Exmoor Village for sale


admin August 30, 2015 For Sale, Latest News